
In the forlorn garden,

The statue, wet with rain and sleet,

Bends his head toward the winter ground.

Immobile monster,

Man of stone 


Years pass.

Memories fade,

Even his name is lost.

The heartless sculptor 


Fathered the giant,

Left him to a world of misery.

But comes a night when

The statue hears a crystal sound,

Lifts his heavy head

And sees a ghost beside him,

An angel in the haze.

“Fair Mary, at last you found me,

A creature of sorrow,


In the forlorn garden.”


Ce poème est un hommage à Frankenstein, le roman que Mary Shelley écrivit à Genève il y a deux cents ans. Une statue, érigée sur la plaine de Plainpalais, représente le monstre si humain que créa Frankenstein.